jeudi 20 septembre 2012

Greetings from ... Nazare!

We planned to sail straight from Porto to Lisbon, but when sailing,  plans are often subject to changes! Very little wind was had, and the forecasts were not very optimistic for the night and next day, so we decided to stop our journey at Nazare, 100 miles South from Porto, instead of motoring 70 more miles.

We do not know how long we'll stay here, but most probably 4-5 days, and there is a chance that we will start our 600 miles (5 days) journey to Madeira straight from here.

We plan to visit Coimbra, in addition to Nazare. If you know about any interesting place to visit in the area, you're welcome! We'll also keep an eye on the weather forecast, especially on this beautiful tropical storm that seems to be as interested in Madeira as we are.

Have a nice evening everyone!
Tropical storm, on its way to .... Madeira!

2 commentaires:

Flavie a dit…

Hei les voyageurs !
Allez faire un tour a Baleal, une mini presqu'ile tout pres de Peniche. C'etait superbe (petit village sur la presqu'ile et la cote des 2 cotes), et si le surf vous dit il y en a pour tous les niveaux (j'aurais bien voulu rester 1 semaine la bas !). Peniche n'est pas top.

Anonyme a dit…

Gratulerer med dagen i dag, Marie!
Hilsen Erling og resten av 737 :-)