jeudi 7 juin 2012

The latest news

More and more non-french speaking friends and colleagues are now asking for something they can actually read in this blog... here it is, our very first post in english!

Things and life are getting organized in the boat and now that the norwegian tempratures have gone past 10 degrees, our new way of life is actually nice! After the snow last week, we finally got to enjoy outside beers, sunglasses on!! Let's hope that the weather stay nice; we still have a lot to fix on deck, and it is much better/easier to do it when the sun shines! Living in a 35 feet boat has been quite a change in our lives. Especially that we do not have either hot water or real bathroom onboard. But, so far, we are still good friends :-) The "hottest" topic for the moment is beeing used to a much smaller bed than the one we used to have at home. But as Thomas said, this is just a matter of time before we sleep comfortably again!  I am as well getting used to a much smaller kitchen and a fridge located under my feet. The best place we have found to store fresh food is indeed between the hull and the floor, a space that remains at the sea temperature (i.e. definitely less then 10 degrees!). I have also started to do all the cooking by hand again since my KitchenAid have found itself a new home at a friend's place.

Days are getting very busy over here, starting with an already full day at work and followed by several more hours of fixing, organizing, thinking, discussing... the departure date approaches fast, on the contrary to our "to do list" that doesn't decrease so fast. But nothing to get worried about, the main things will be finished before the big day and what is not done will just have to be finished on the way!

As I write this message, Thomas is driving our beloved "Titine" to Oslo... her last trip with us before we sell it... so sad! But anyway, tomorrow we have an appointment at the US embassy in Oslo (where we will hopefully be able to get a US visa) and on saturday we will be driving further south to Fredrikstad to pick-up the wind turbine and the life raft. The goal for next week is to have them installed on-board together with the solar pannels and the two new batteries. We better get started as soon as possible! This Oslo trip is also the occasion for us to say good-bye to some friends and hopefully to eat a last time at "Pascal", my favorite restaurant in Norway... we will see!

A bientôt!

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Så flott :-) Eindelig noke ej forstår! Når skal dokker reise?
Hilsen fra Ulsteinvik :-)