mercredi 1 août 2012

Sunny Howth...

As we were beginning our fourth week traveling across oceans, we touched land in Ireland (Howth) on sunday night. Tired, after a boring and demanding navigation from Scotland, we ate a good dinner and went straight to bed!

Departure from Islay (Credit photo Christian Couette)

Squall upon arrival in Ireland
A well-deserved night of sleep later, we began exploring the peninsula of Howth, located some 20 km north from Dublin. The weather was warm and sunny and the scenery beautiful. A small path lined with pin trees and yellow and purple flowers goes along the cliff all around the peninsula... it was like being in some Mediterranean areas! For the first time since we left Norway, we actually felt warm. A very much awaited feeling for me but a little less for Thomas who is already fearing the warm and humid climate of the Caribbean!

Howth harbor
Lighthouse at the very far end of the peninsula
Entrance of the Dublin bay
Golf course in Howth

The small city of Howth is really charming with its peer encircled on one side by fishing vessels and on the other side by pubs, fish restaurants and other fish shops. We did not get the chance to try one of the fish restaurants yet, but this is definitely on the list!

The very active sailing school brings a lot of kids into the marina, no way to get bored in Howth! Seeing all the small dinghies sailing around reminds me of the good summer days in La Bernerie, eating the delicious food from my grand-mother and spending the whole day at the sailing club.

Howth's peer at sunset
Dinghy in the harbor entrance

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